I follow you in several places. Good show and quite accurate. However this title is Preparedness and Self-Reliance. I think the rank and file will need help with this more than the narrative when it all blows up. Once utilities fail, food becomes scarce and we begin to see people acting badly, regular folks will need information and guidance. I would focus on that in this venue.

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Your new intro is great, Steve! I can see that you have a lot of hope for applying the military skills in your network to intervene on behalf of the non-military portion of our population. Not too many of us read prepperr literature, and it is hard to tell how grounded they are. I am curious about how you intend to develop the liason between non-serving citizens and those who have served and are ready to respond. I live in a rural area where until the last few sad years our veterans' organizations had a lot of vigor and strong participation. There is a desire to hold to their commitments, but age and the lack of participation from younger vets is taking its toll. My brother was in the Navy and I have a few cousins and uncles who were veterans. How can we residents in rural areas be prepared to assist?

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Thank you for your update . . . . and yes, guaranteed week's of public entertainment and nationalised school yard squabbling ahead . . .

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