Not to worry, LTC Murray. We should all be looking at a "window", a "probability cloud" and not a specific "particle/particular" date for things to launch. The globalists are trying to set conditions for their "Hail Mary" play and, as you suggest, they're rope-a-doping us, trying to get us to weary of our state of vigilance. I am taking a bit of a break today, not trying to absorb every single podcast in the cybersphere, but know what to look for, so I'm still vigilant. I WILL be watching the SITREP tonight if that takes place as part of that.

I in fact have had an experience today that makes me think the left is waking to THEIR situation, receiving a visit from our National Socialist HOA President about a vicious dog situation I was involved with a few weeks ago. My little dog was attacked, I waded in, grabbed the vicious dog by the nose and pried him off my little (20 lb) dog (in view of the whole complex) and learning that the NSDAP HOA prez's dog was attacked EARLIER but she hadn't reported it - leading to the attack on MY dog. I saw that Mein HOA Fuhrer was contrite, having realized HER role in the attack on my dog, being irresponsible because of her stance on law enforcement. Maybe some "coherent collective consciousness" is involved there... Anyway, she left my doorstep a little less sure of her position on her perception of me, most likely because she sees the stakes - and who I really am as opposed to the stereotype she's used as a pointer. The "state" has failed her (no animal control or police assistance being forthcoming...) and I'd recently manhandled a large vicious dog by grabbing it by the nose. She's maybe had time to re-think her position on defunding the police and her reliance on the "state" as her surrogate father. (Don't worry, I'm not going NEAR that situation...)

Anyway, the situation is fluid, the fog of war is thick and it is toxic to be on it ALL THE TIME. You never know what might happen if you release your attention on a long-held "thread" (Sutra...). Things will unfold as they will. All we can know is our own mind - and that of our enemy.

See you tonight, LTC Murray.

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LtCol Murray, (& maybe a FW to OTOF Bushbeater) Imho a fact check is needed if recent utube by guy sitting, weeping through it from I believe No. Carolina, saying that a Fema guy told him that in this $750 deal for victims of hurricane Helene there is in the small print in this gift/CONTRACT that it is not a gift but a loan which must be paid back within the year or their property can be seized. These dear traumatized people need to be made aware if it is true. [just spent an hour on my yest. Firefox history and could not come up with the link to this short utube~~~]

Many Blessings, and Thanks.

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