I remember listening to that interview you did with Sean David Mortin. I thought it was so interesting back then. I may go back and listen to it again.

This was also interesting. Really good info to think deeper about. Thanks LTC Murray!

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You recently commented on the lack of information about the schoolchildren lost in Lahaina in the Aug. 8th fire. This is a link to an article by a Hawai'i publication that covered the fire and subsequent reports consistently to the present. You can subscribe at no charge , but they operate on a donation basis, which allows them to dig into topics that msm fears to discuss,.

As a born and raised Hawai'i kid who left Hawai'i long ago, I can see how provincial and Demo biased they are. However, regarding their coverage, they were able to dig harder and deeper than other local press and national msm. I donate as possible to them, and am a subscriber. I think either way, it is possible to dig back into their initial coverage and pointed questions, including what happened to the kids. The schools have been hurt, one closed, many kids are attending classes outside the area. A lot of families are still living on the beach. There are still suspicions that due to entire families , many of them back door immigrants with no official status or surviving family, numerous deaths have not been identified. Still many unanswered questions, a rumor that some school buses disappeared from Maui and turned up on Hawai'i Island, a rough barge ride away from Lahaina. If you have further ques. I will be happy to answer as best I can. A link to the most recent article I have seen: https://www.civilbeat.org/?p=1686409&utm_source=Civil+Beat+Master+List&utm_campaign=f2baf429bb-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2024_11_05_01_52_COPY_01&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_-4a7e232a85-401997414&mc_cid=f2baf429bb

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